About Us — Student Code of Conduct

Section 1: Code of Conduct

Discipline in education is specifically mandated by the 1987 Constitution (Art. XIV, Sec. 3(2) which provides that all educational institutions shall “teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values and develop moral character and personal discipline.” The Manual of Regulations for Private and Public Higher Education (2008), Article XXI, Sections 102-108 provides that schools and school administrators have the authority to maintain school discipline and the right to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures. On the other hand, students have the duty and the responsibility to promote and maintain peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules of discipline as provided for the Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 (1982), Section 15.3.



1.  Upon entry of the school campus, all students are required to wear the prescribed uniforms.

2.  The College ID should be worn when inside the campus. IDs should also be presented in school transactions. Tampering or using other students’ ID is a major offense and shall be dealt with accordingly.

3.  Students are required to follow policies and guidelines set by the school. The school reserves its right to discipline students on the ground of misbehavior and disregard to school policies and guidelines.

4.  It is the responsibility of every student to take care of school property and facilities. Any damage done by the student in school property and facilities shall be subject to disciplinary measures. Repairs and replacement shall be charged to the student.

5.  Smoking is strictly not allowed inside the campus.

6. Drinking of alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the campus.

7.  All activities of the college or those that require the use of the name of the college outside the campus should be duly approved by the Dean of the Student Affairs and Services and the College President.

8.  All off-campus activities require parental permission/waiver and an accompanying moderator who is a faculty member subject upon the approval of the DSAS and College President.

9.  Campus closes at 10:00 PM. All activities beyond this hour require the approval of the DSAS and the College President.

10. The college acknowledges and respects the rights of the students provided that these individual rights do not infringe the rights of other students and teachers.

11. The College encourages the establishment of clubs and organizations so long as they are approved by the DSAS and the College President.

12. Clubs and organizations (e.g. fraternities and sororities) that;

          a. promote violence;

          b. maintain secrecy;

          c. instigates initiations;

          d. disrespects and willfully disregards the rights and dignity of members and non-members;

          are not allowed to be organized inside the campus.

13. The school doesn’t recognize any fraternities and sororities.

13. The college cannot be held responsible for any misbehavior and unethical activities of the students outside the campus except when wearing of the prescribed uniform. Disciplinary actions shall be made by the school when such events occur.

14. The College reserves the right to suspend, dismiss, and expel students after deliberations for due cause.


Section 3. Guideline for Disciplinary Action

          1. Determination of Offense

It is the responsibility of the DSAS in reference to school’s student handbook to determine the gravity of the offense committed by the erring student. If it is a minor offense, penalties for minor offenses shall apply. If a major offense is committed, case shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee who shall commence an investigation and render proper penalty after due investigation.



     2 . The Disciplinary Board

     The Disciplinary Board acts as a principal advisory board on matters concerning student discipline. It is the responsibility of the board to hear and investigate complaints, grievances, and cases which involve a student or group of students as respondents/defendants.

     The Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of the College President, VPAA, DSAS, Guidance Counselor, SSC President and the concerned College Dean.

3.  Penalties

The DSAS with the approval of the College President shall impose the necessary sanctions on the violators. Offenses may be classified as a minor offense, and a major offense. Further, a major offense may be classified as; serious, less grave, and grave.



a. The following constitute a Minor Offense

  1. Not wearing the prescribe uniform inside campus

  2. Loitering in the corridors while classes are going on

  3. Littering within the campus premises

  4. Going out of the classroom during class hours without the consent from the instructor

  5. Spitting anywhere beyond specified areas

  6. Making unnecessary noise inside the library

  7. Unauthorized posting of official posters, announcements, and streamers including online without prior approval from the DSAS.

  8. Unauthorized entry of vehicles without gate pass or permission from the security personnel.


b. Penalties for Minor Offense

1st Commission - Oral, written reprimand from the DSAS

                    - Written letter of apology toward the person concerned and serve a community service within the school campus

2nd Commission - Offense shall be treated as a major offense and shall be heard by the Disciplinary Committee


c. The following constitute a Major Offense


1. Bringing/drinking alcoholic beverages inside the campus otherwise for education related-activities and approved by DSAS.

2. Coming into campus under the influence of alcoholic beverages and prohibited drugs which will cause the disrupting of the normal activities of the campus.

 3. Bringing firearms and other deadly weapons

 4. Possession of illegal drugs inside the campus

 5. Acting in any form of public immorality in campus or in any school functions outside the school.

 6. Gross disrespect and threatening faculty, staff, and students and in effect, prevented them from discharging their duties and attending classes

 7. Any act that degrades the dignity of a person

 8. Extortion

 9. Disobeying school policies and regulations

10. Stealing

11. Vandalism

12. Engaging in activities which damage school properties

13. Gambling in campus

14. Instigating illegal strikes which will result to stoppage of classes

15. Disrupting classes

16. Selling examination papers (leakage)

17. Falsely accusing another student

18. Lying during hearing on charges against a student

19. Refusing to cooperate in an investigation involving school violations

20. Bring pornographic materials in campus

21. Committing scandals on campus or during school activities outside campus.

22. Assaulting a teacher

23. Assaulting another person

24. Hazing

25. Sexual misconduct

26. Tampering and falsification of school documents

27. Deliberate defiance of the sanctions imposed by the school

28. Smoking inside the campus

29. Unauthorized use of school facilities

30. Cyberbullying against students/instructors or any acts committed through online exploitation.

31. Engaging in any act which cause or trends to cause the destruction of the credibility and integrity of a student, staff, faculty, and administrator without sufficient proof. These acts include but are not limited to;

     a. Instigating illegal rallies

     b. Making black propagandas

     c. Making unfounded petitions

     d. Any forms of harassment

     e. Any form of boycotts

32. Cheating


Section 4. Guidelines for Cheating Investigation


The following behaviors or acts including online constitute cheating:

 1. Possession of notes or any material related to the subject matter

 2. Copying or letting others copy answers in examination papers

 3. Glancing at other students’ examination papers

 4. Any form of communication with another student during examination

 5. Letting another person take an examination, prepare projects and assignments.

 6. Writing notes on tables and armrests.

 7. Other suspicious behavior done during examinations

  8. Plagiarism


Section 5. Procedure for Disciplinary Actions in Cheating


     The teacher or proctor shall submit a written report to the Dean of the Student Affairs and Services within 3days/72hrs regarding the alleged cheating. The accused shall also give a written report as a response to the accusations.

     Upon deliberation and thorough investigation, if the student is found guilty, he/ she is automatically given a 5.0/Failed grade in the subject.

     If the student is being caught of cheating for the second time, the case shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee and another investigation shall be conducted. Second time offenders is punishable by either dismissal or expulsion depending on the discretion of the Committee.

All students are expected to observe highest standard of morality to preserve the dignity. Such acts not provided in this handbook shall be dealt with by the Administration accordingly.


Section 6. Penalties/Actions for a Major Offense

 1. Disciplinary Probation (as determined by the Disciplinary Board)

 2. Mandatory work / community service

 3. Pre and Post Counseling

 4. Suspension (as determined by the Disciplinary Board)- The school will deny or deprive a student from entering school premises of attending school related activities for a period of time.

5.Dismissal/ Exclusion- The erring student is excluded or dropped in the school roles for being undesirable.

6.Expulsion- An extreme penalty which excludes the students from enrolling in any public or private school in the Philippines.

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